Friday, January 16, 2009

Just Hanging Around...

Just hanging around...
Greg and Kailey are quite the silly pair. Kailey knows that when she hears Daddy's truck that the silliness is about to begin. I LOVE it when Greg gets home because Kailey gets SOOOO excited to see him! She starts with the air kisses the second she hears his truck, she runs to the door, screams with excitment and this is all before he even walks in. Once he is inside she grabs his legs and squeals with glee. Greg usually needs a few minutes to decompress after work and then the silly games begin. They start the tickle game, hide and seek, they run races, play with the dogs, and the latest favorite is the upside down hanging game you can see pictured above. KAILEY LOVES IT! She giggles like crazy when she is "hanging" upside down and then wants "more, more, more" when she is right side up. It is really funny, but boy does it make me nervous:)

1 comment:

  1. OMGosh... I can see why it makes you nervous!
