It really feels like Kailey was JUST born yesterday! It is hard to believe that tomorrow (10/8/09) we will add another member to our family! Kailey has brought us so much joy and happiness, we are excited to see what this new member adds to our already blessed family!
Kailey was born on Wednesday, January 3, 2007. She was born at 12:18pm, weighed 8 lbs, 8.4 oz and was 21 inches long. That day will forever be etched in our minds and I am sure tomorrow will be added to one of those "never to forget" memories.
Kailey is so ready to be a big sister, she talks about baby sissy all the time and is constantly asking when she is going to come and live at our house! This morning I told her that sissy is going to come tomorrow and Kailey was SO HAPPY, she hugged my tummy and just kept telling sissy how much she loves her! It was so beautiful and touching!
As I reflect back today on when Kailey was born I can't help but think how very special Kailey is and how she has made our lives so much better! She is truely a blessing and gift from God! I am both sad and happy to be making this transition from one to two kids, but from what I hear after baby #2 is here it is hard to even remember what it was like to only have one!
Below are a few pictures from when Kailey Louise was born, oh what a special day that was...